Friday, 16 April 2010

Moseley Shoals - Flyer

The publicity flyer for the group was problematic.

Whilst the current flyer included all the information anyone would need, it simply had too much and wasn't best suited to the occasions where it was being handed out - monthly pub crawls by the Moseley Shoals. The text had to be to the point and inviting enough for people to want to find out more, rather than wading through an A5 side of 9pt text (which people out and about in the pub on a Friday or Saturday night didn't).

The group also doesn't really have a specific USP. People tend to use the group for a variety of purposes, be this a serious swim, splash about, sitting in the pool to chat or even just coming along to the pub afterwards.

Finally, there wasn't a clearly defined target audience. Whilst it was aimed at gay people, this included ALL gay people, of any sex or age - an incredibly diverse range of people.

Because of this mixture of messages that needed to be put across within the design, I chose to use a simple typographic and illustrative concept that used text and/or illustrative icons giving a clear indication of the the wide range of potential reasons for joining, whilst also inviting the viewer to find out more (through the groups website). The tone for the piece needed to be fun and jovial, getting across the social nature of the group.

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