Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Hobb buddies Leaflet

Have finished with the logo to some extent. I've concentrated on getting the 'latch' element correct as this was the main cause of concern. I've hopefully managed to resolve this.

I've included the final design... Very minimal and clean, as the logo itself is very complicated (more of an illustration than logo form).

Having obtained some guidelines on NHS branding too, concerned with legibility and ease of reading.

Intended as a small micro-project, it's been a useful learning exercise regarding client group feedback. However, the project itself isn't that useful, simply re-drawing a logo without questioning whether the logo is the best message to send to potential clients in the first place.

Without any input from the initial commissioner of the identity, I've decided to shelve the project and move on to something with much clearer (and less confused) learning objectives.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Hobb buddies Logo

Another logo version...

A couple of quick amends, whilst waiting for further feedback. Hopefully have managed to get the 'latch' in this one correct. 

Still not entirely sure about the hair...

Friday, 19 February 2010

Hobb buddies Logo

Thanks to everyone for their feedback. Some very constructive criticism which I've tried to work back into the logo.

I think the main thing, especially with the mothers, was the way the baby 'latches' onto the breast. Hopefully I've managed to convey this slightly better in this version...?

The immodesty issue was also something that came up - I've reduced the 'pnuematic' quality of the breast (thanks Natalie - made me chuckle) by reducing the top line and covered some of the more rounded form by having the baby move closer. 

I've also reworked the hair, but am not sure if this is this is worse than before...?

Finally, colour! Some people liked the pink, others not so. I'd argue that for any form of communication, you want it to be obvious to those it's intended to speak to, especially with such a wide target audience. As such, using a colour with such connotations (pink = feminine) is hard to avoid. Saying this, I'm open to suggestions - I've included a sample of other colours - some more suitable than others (thinking of the WiiFit green one)...

Let me know what you think...

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Hobb buddies Leaflet

The original was an A5 gatefold document, with little thought (in hindsight) as to how the information would be read. The contact information was separate from the main copy and was placed on the back of the document. Whilst you would see it, I don't think the placement was ideal for a scheme that required participation.

Looking at the copy provided, there were 3 main sections - a statistic/quote, explanation and benefits, suggesting a gatefold document. The image shows how the document would unfold, as you move down the image.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Logo/Pictogram redesign

First off, looking at the Hobb Buddies logo. I've never been that keen on the original design, which was dictated by art direction at the time. I don't feel it shows much warmth between the mother and child and is also quite masculine.

I've redesigned the logo to show more connection between the mother and child and hopefully have resolved the 'heart' form of the logo (which was a requirement of the brief, having been commissioned by Heart of Birmingham NHS...) beyond the bean-like shape of the original.

Had the opportunity to do further reference sketches at this time, which suggested a form where both mother and child could be shown. Initial research has also suggested a much softer, rounded edge rendering would be more suitable to the target audience, along with pastel colours.

Might have a go at tweeking the baby a little bit, but will gain some feedback at this point...

Logo and leaflet redesign...

Have decided, to kick of the new semester, to revisit a few pieces of older work. Producing these from a largely subjective viewpoint the first time round, I'm going to apply some of the principles developed in the first semester and see what effect these have on the outcome.

First off, I'm revisiting an old logo and leaflet design from around 4 years ago. Am hopefully going to be able to track down the original commissioner of the logo to obtain their viewpoint.